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scorn.) And what is it you're wanting, CHRISTY -- (apologetically.)
Widow Quin?                 Didn't himself say there were only
WIDOW QUIN -- (insolently.) A four bona fides living in the place?
penn'orth of starch.            PEGEEN. It's bona fides by the
PEGEEN -- (breaking out.) -- road they are, but that lot came over
And you without a white shift or a the river lepping the stones. It's not
shirt in your whole family since the three perches when you go like that,
drying of the flood. I've no starch for and I was down this morning looking
the like of you, and let you walk on on the papers the post-boy does have
now to Killamuck.           in his bag. (With meaning and em-
WIDOW QUIN -- (turning to phasis.) For there was great news this
Christy, as she goes out with the day, Christopher Mahon. (She goes
girls.) -- Well, you're mighty huffy into room left.)
this day, Pegeen Mike, and, you CHRISTY -- (suspiciously.) Is it
young fellow, let you not forget the news of my murder?
sports and racing when the noon is by. PEGEEN -- (inside.) Murder, in-
(They go out.)              deed.
PEGEEN -- (imperiously.) Fling CHRISTY -- (loudly.) A murdered
out that rubbish and put them cups da?
away. (Christy tidies away in great PEGEEN (coming in again and
haste). Shove in the bench by the crossing right.) -- There was not, but a
wall. (He does so.) And hang that story filled half a page of the hanging
glass on the nail. What disturbed it at of a man. Ah, that should be a fearful
all? end, young fellow, and it worst of all
CHRISTY -- (very meekly.) -- I for a man who destroyed his da, for
was making myself decent only, and the like of him would get small mer-
this a fine country for young lovely cies, and when it's dead he is, they'd
girls.                      put him in a narrow grave, with
PEGEEN -- (sharply.) Whisht cheap sacking wrapping him round,
your talking of girls. (Goes to counter and pour down quicklime on his
right.)                     head, the way you'd see a woman
CHRISTY. Wouldn't any wish to pouring any frish-frash from a cup.
be decent in a place...         CHRISTY -- (very miserably.) --
PEGEEN. Whisht I'm saying.  Oh, God help me. Are you thinking
CHRISTY -- (looks at her face for I'm safe? You were saying at the fall
a moment with great misgivings, then of night, I was shut of jeopardy and I
as a last effort, takes up a loy, and here with yourselves.
goes towards her, with feigned assur- PEGEEN -- (severely.) You'll be
ance). -- It was with a loy the like of shut of jeopardy no place if you go
that I killed my father.    talking with a pack of wild girls the
PEGEEN -- (still sharply.) -- like of them do be walking abroad
You've told me that story six times with the peelers, talking whispers at
since the dawn of day.      the fall of night.
CHRISTY -- (reproachfully.) It's CHRISTY -- (with terror.) -- And
a queer thing you wouldn't care to be you're thinking they'd tell?
hearing it and them girls after walk- PEGEEN -- (with mock sympa-
ing four miles to be listening to me thy.) -- Who knows, God help you.
now. CHRISTY -- (loudly.) What joy
PEGEEN -- (turning round aston- would they have to bring hanging to
ished.) -- Four miles.      the likes of me?
                                PEGEEN. It's queer joys they
                            have, and who knows the thing they'd

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