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of Connaught felt the elements of a PEGEEN. Lies and blather,
Christian, and he eating it after in a you've no call to mind. Well, isn't
kidney stew? Doesn't the world know Shawn Keogh an impudent fellow to
you've been seen shaving the foxy send up spying on me? Wait till I lay
skipper from France for a threepenny hands on him. Let him wait, I'm say-
bit and a sop of grass tobacco would ing.
wring the liver from a mountain goat CHRISTY. And you're not wed-
you'd meet leaping the hills?         ding him at all?
WIDOW QUIN -- (with amuse- PEGEEN. I wouldn't wed him if
ment.) -- Do you hear her now, young a bishop came walking for to join us
fellow? Do you hear the way she'll be here.
rating at your own self when a week is CHRISTY. That God in glory may
by? be thanked for that.
PEGEEN -- (to Christy.) -- Don't PEGEEN. There's your bed now.
heed her. Tell her to go into her pigsty I've put a quilt upon you I'm after
and not plague us here.               quilting a while since with my own
WIDOW QUIN. I'm going; but two hands, and you'd best stretch out
he'll come with me.                   now for your sleep, and may God give
PEGEEN -- (shaking him.) -- Are you a good rest till I call you in the
you dumb, young fellow?               morning when the cocks will crow.
CHRISTY -- (timidly, to Widow CHRISTY -- (as she goes to inner
Quin.) -- God increase you; but I'm room.) -- May God and Mary and St.
pot-boy in this place, and it's here I'd Patrick bless you and reward you, for
liefer stay.                          your kindly talk. (She shuts the door
PEGEEN -- (triumphantly.) Now behind her. He settles his bed slowly,
you have heard him, and go on from feeling the quilt with immense satis-
this. faction.) -- Well, it's a clean bed and
WIDOW QUIN -- (looking round soft with it, and it's great luck and
the room.) -- It's lonesome this hour company I've won me in the end of
crossing the hill, and if he won't come time -- two fine women fighting for
along with me, I'd have a right maybe the likes of me -- till I'm thinking
to stop this night with yourselves. Let this night wasn't I a foolish fellow
me stretch out on the settle, Pegeen not to kill my father in the years gone
Mike; and himself can lie by the by.
hearth.                                        CURTAIN
PEGEEN -- (short and fiercely.) -
- Faith, I won't. Quit off or I will           ACT II
send you now.
WIDOW QUIN -- (gathering her SCENE, (as before. Brilliant
shawl up.) -- Well, it's a terror to be morning light. Christy, looking bright
aged a score. (To Christy.) God bless and cheerful, is cleaning a girl's
you now, young fellow, and let you be boots.)
wary, or there's right torment will CHRISTY -- (to himself, counting
await you here if you go romancing jugs on dresser.) -- Half a hundred
with her like, and she waiting only, beyond. Ten there. A score that's
as they bade me say, on a sheepskin above. Eighty jugs. Six cups and a
parchment to be wed with Shawn broken one. Two plates. A power of
Keogh of Killakeen.                   glasses. Bottles, a school-master'd be
CHRISTY -- (going to Pegeen as hard set to count, and enough in
she bolts the door.) -- What's that them, I'm thinking, to drunken all
she's after saying?                   the wealth and wisdom of the County
                                      Clare. (He puts down the boot careful-

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