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weeks or three, and there wasn't a CHRISTY -- (looking at it.) --
word of your murder. (Getting up and The half of a ticket to the Western
going over to the counter.) They've States!
likely not found the body. You're safe SHAWN -- (trembling with anxie-
so with ourselves.         ty.) -- I'll give it to you and my new
CHRISTY -- (astonished, slowly.) hat (pulling it out of hamper); and
-- It's making game of me you were my breeches with the double seat
(following her with fearful joy), and (pulling it off); and my new coat is
I can stay so, working at your side, woven from the blackest shearings for
and I not lonesome from this mortal three miles around (giving him the
day. coat); I'll give you the whole of them,
PEGEEN. What's to hinder you and my blessing, and the blessing of
from staying, except the widow wom- Father Reilly itself, maybe, if you'll
an or the young girls would inveigle quit from this and leave us in the
you off?                   peace we had till last night at the fall
CHRISTY -- (with rapture.) -- of dark.
And I'll have your words from this CHRISTY -- (with a new arro-
day filling my ears, and that look is gance.) -- And for what is it you're
come upon you meeting my two eyes, wanting to get shut of me?
and I watching you loafing around in SHAWN -- (looking to the Widow
the warm sun, or rinsing your ankles for help.) -- I'm a poor scholar with
when the night is come.    middling faculties to coin a lie, so I'll
PEGEEN -- (kindly, but a little tell you the truth, Christy Mahon. I'm
embarrassed.) I'm thinking you'll be a wedding with Pegeen beyond, and I
loyal young lad to have working don't think well of having a clever
around, and if you vexed me a while fearless man the like of you dwelling
since with your leaguing with the in her house.
girls, I wouldn't give a thraneen for a CHRISTY -- (almost pugnacious-
lad hadn't a mighty spirit in him and ly.) -- And you'd be using bribery for
a gamey heart. (Shawn Keogh runs in to banish me?
carrying a cleeve on his back, fol- SHAWN -- (in an imploring
lowed by the Widow Quin.)  voice.) -- Let you not take it badly,
SHAWN -- (to Pegeen.) -- I was mister honey, isn't beyond the best
passing below, and I seen your moun- place for you where you'll have golden
tainy sheep eating cabbages in Jim- chains and shiny coats and you riding
my's field. Run up or they'll be burst- upon hunters with the ladies of the
ing surely.                land. (He makes an eager sign to the
PEGEEN. Oh, God mend them! Widow Quin to come to help him.)
(She puts a shawl over her head and WIDOW QUIN -- (coming over.) -
runs out.)                 - It's true for him, and you'd best quit
CHRISTY -- (looking from one to off and not have that poor girl setting
the other. Still in high spirits.) -- I'd her mind on you, for there's Shaneen
best go to her aid maybe. I'm handy thinks she wouldn't suit you though
with ewes.                 all is saying that she'll wed you now.
WIDOW QUIN -- (closing the (Christy beams with delight.)
door.) -- She can do that much, and SHAWN -- (in terrified earnest.) -
there is Shaneen has long speeches for - She wouldn't suit you, and she with
to tell you now. (She sits down with the divil's own temper the way you'd
an amused smile.)          be strangling one another in a score of
SHAWN -- (taking something days. (He makes the movement of
from his pocket and offering it to strangling with his hands.) It's the
Christy.) -- Do you see that, mister? like of me only that she's fit for, a

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