Page 106 - SampleIssueMobile
P. 106


your western side.               Amen, O Lord!
SHAWN. I'd be afeard of the gal- (Hubbub outside.)
lows if I struck him with that.       (Old Mahon rushes in, followed by
CHRISTY -- (taking up the loy.) - all the crowd, and Widow Quin. He
- Then I'll make you face the gallows makes a rush at Christy, knocks him
or quit off from this. (Shawn flies out down, and begins to beat him.)
of the door.)                         PEGEEN -- (dragging back his
CHRISTY. Well, fine weather be arm.) -- Stop that, will you. Who are
after him, (going to Michael, coaxing- you at all?
ly) and I'm thinking you wouldn't MAHON. His father, God forgive
wish to have that quaking blackguard me!
in your house at all. Let you give us PEGEEN -- (drawing back.) -- Is
your blessing and hear her swear her it rose from the dead?
faith to me, for I'm mounted on the MAHON. Do you think I look so
spring-tide of the stars of luck, the easy quenched with the tap of a loy?
way it'll be good for any to have me in (Beats Christy again.)
the house.                            PEGEEN -- (glaring at Christy.) -
PEGEEN (at the other side of Mi- - And it's lies you told, letting on you
chael.) -- Bless us now, for I swear to had him slitted, and you nothing at
God I'll wed him, and I'll not renege. all.
MICHAEL -- (standing up in the CHRISTY -- (clutching Mahon's
centre, holding on to both of them.) -- stick.) -- He's not my father. He's a
It's the will of God, I'm thinking, raving maniac would scare the world.
that all should win an easy or a cruel (Pointing to Widow Quin.) Herself
end, and it's the will of God that all knows it is true.
should rear up lengthy families for CROWD. You're fooling Pegeen!
the nurture of the earth. What's a The Widow Quin seen him this day,
single man, I ask you, eating a bit in and you likely knew! You're a liar!
one house and drinking a sup in an- CHRISTY -- (dumbfounded.) It's
other, and he with no place of his himself was a liar, lying stretched out
own, like an old braying jackass with an open head on him, letting on
strayed upon the rocks? (To Christy.) he was dead.
It's many would be in dread to bring MAHON. Weren't you off racing
your like into their house for to end the hills before I got my breath with
them, maybe, with a sudden end; but the start I had seeing you turn on me
I'm a decent man of Ireland, and I at all?
liefer face the grave untimely and I PEGEEN. And to think of the
seeing a score of grandsons growing coaxing glory we had given him, and
up little gallant swearers by the name he after doing nothing but hitting a
of God, than go peopling my bedside soft blow and chasing northward in a
with puny weeds the like of what sweat of fear. Quit off from this.
you'd breed, I'm thinking, out of CHRISTY -- (piteously.) You've
Shaneen Keogh. (He joins their seen my doings this day, and let you
hands.) A daring fellow is the jewel save me from the old man; for why
of the world, and a man did split his would you be in such a scorch of haste
father's middle with a single clout, to spur me to destruction now?
should have the bravery of ten, so may PEGEEN. It's there your treach-
God and Mary and St. Patrick bless ery is spurring me, till I'm hard set to
you, and increase you from this mor- think you're the one I'm after lacing
tal day.                         in my heart-strings half-an-hour gone
                                 by. (To Mahon.) Take him on from

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