Page 101 - SampleIssueMobile
P. 101


MAHON -- (putting his hands to WIDOW QUIN -- (shouting.)
his ears.) -- What in the name of God Watch him taking the gate. There's
do they want roaring below?           riding.
WIDOW QUIN -- (with the shade JIMMY -- (cheering.) More power
of a smile.) -- They're cheering a to the young lad!
young lad, the champion Playboy of MAHON. He's passing the third.
the Western World. (More cheering.)        JIMMY. He'll lick them yet!
MAHON -- (going to window.) It'd WIDOW QUIN. He'd lick them if
split my heart to hear them, and I he was running races with a score it-
with pulses in my brain-pan for a self.
week gone by. Is it racing they are?       MAHON. Look at the mule he
JIMMY -- (looking from door.) -- has, kicking the stars.
It is then. They are mounting him for WIDOW QUIN. There was a lep!
the mule race will be run upon the (catching hold of Mahon in her ex-
sands. That's the playboy on the citement.) He's fallen! He's mounted
winkered mule.                        again! Faith, he's passing them all!
MAHON (puzzled.) That lad, is JIMMY. Look at him skelping
it? If you said it was a fool he was, I'd her!
have laid a mighty oath he was the PHILLY. And the mountain girls
likeness of my wandering son hooshing him on!
(uneasily, putting his hand to his JIMMY. It's the last turn! The
head.) Faith, I'm thinking I'll go post's cleared for them now!
walking for to view the race.              MAHON. Look at the narrow
WIDOW QUIN -- (stopping him, place. He'll be into the bogs! (With a
sharply.) -- You will not. You'd best yell.) Good rider! He's through it
take the road to Belmullet, and not be again!
dilly-dallying in this place where JIMMY. He neck and neck!
there isn't a spot you could sleep.        MAHON. Good boy to him!
PHILLY -- (coming forward.) -- Flames, but he's in! (Great cheering,
Don't mind her. Mount there on the in which all join.)
bench and you'll have a view of the MAHON (with hesitation.)
whole. They're hurrying before the What's that? They're raising him up.
tide will rise, and it'd be near over if They're coming this way. (With a
you went down the pathway through roar of rage and astonishment.) It's
the crags below.                      Christy! by the stars of God! I'd know
MAHON (mounts on bench, Wid- his way of spitting and he astride the
ow Quin beside him.) -- That's a right moon. (He jumps down and makes for
view again the edge of the sea. They're the door, but Widow Quin catches
coming now from the point. He's him and pulls him back.)
leading. Who is he at all?                 WIDOW QUIN. Stay quiet, will
WIDOW QUIN. He's the champi- you. That's not your son. (To Jimmy.)
on of the world, I tell you, and there Stop him, or you'll get a month for
isn't a hop'orth isn't falling lucky to the abetting of manslaughter and be
his hands to-day.                     fined as well.
PHILLY -- (looking out, interest- JIMMY. I'll hold him.
ed in the race.) -- Look at that. MAHON (struggling.) Let me out!
They're pressing him now.             Let me out, the lot of you! till I have
JIMMY. He'll win it yet.              my vengeance on his head to-day.
PHILLY. Take your time, Jimmy WIDOW QUIN -- (shaking him,
Farrell. It's too soon to say.        vehemently.) -- That's not your son.
                                      That's a man is going to make a mar-
                                      riage with the daughter of this house,

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