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and the blow of a loy, have taught me saying, coaching out through Limbo
that there's a great gap between a gal- with my father's ghost.
lous story and a dirty deed. (To men.) SHAWN -- (to Pegeen.) -- Make
Take him on from this, or the lot of haste, will you? Oh, isn't he a holy
us will be likely put on trial for his terror, and isn't it true for Father
deed to-day.                        Reilly, that all drink's a curse that
CHRISTY -- (with horror in his has the lot of you so shaky and uncer-
voice.) -- And it's yourself will send tain now?
me off, to have a horny-fingered CHRISTY. If I can wring a neck
hangman hitching his bloody slip- among you, I'll have a royal judgment
knots at the butt of my ear.        looking on the trembling jury in the
MEN -- (pulling rope.) -- Come on, courts of law. And won't there be cry-
will you? (He is pulled down on the ing out in Mayo the day I'm stretched
floor.)                             upon the rope with ladies in their
CHRISTY -- (twisting his legs silks and satins snivelling in their
round the table.) -- Cut the rope, lacy kerchiefs, and they rhyming
Pegeen, and I'll quit the lot of you, songs and ballads on the terror of my
and live from this out, like the mad- fate? (He squirms round on the floor
men of Keel, eating muck and green and bites Shawn's leg.)
weeds, on the faces of the cliffs.       SHAWN -- (shrieking.) My leg's
PEGEEN. And leave us to hang, bit on me. He's the like of a mad dog,
is it, for a saucy liar, the like of you? I'm thinking, the way that I will
(To men.) Take him on, out from this. surely die.
SHAWN. Pull a twist on his neck, CHRISTY -- (delighted with him-
and squeeze him so.                 self.) -- You will then, the way you
PHILLY. Twist yourself. Sure he can shake out hell's flags of welcome
cannot hurt you, if you keep your dis- for my coming in two weeks or three,
tance from his teeth alone.         for I'm thinking Satan hasn't many
SHAWN. I'm afeard of him. (To have killed their da in Kerry, and in
Pegeen.) Lift a lighted sod, will you, Mayo too. (Old Mahon comes in be-
and scorch his leg.                 hind on all fours and looks on unno-
PEGEEN -- (blowing the fire, ticed.)
with a bellows.) Leave go now, young MEN -- (to Pegeen.) -- Bring the
fellow, or I'll scorch your shins.  sod, will you?
CHRISTY. You're blowing for to PEGEEN (coming over.) -- God
torture me (His voice rising and help him so. (Burns his leg.)
growing stronger.) That's your kind, CHRISTY -- (kicking and scream-
is it? Then let the lot of you be wary, ing.) -- O, glory be to God! (He kicks
for, if I've to face the gallows, I'll loose from the table, and they all drag
have a gay march down, I tell you, him towards the door.)
and shed the blood of some of you be- JIMMY -- (seeing old Mahon.) --
fore I die.                         Will you look what's come in? (They
SHAWN -- (in terror.) -- Keep a all drop Christy and run left.)
good hold, Philly. Be wary, for the CHRISTY -- (scrambling on his
love of God. For I'm thinking he knees face to face with old Mahon.) --
would liefest wreak his pains on me. Are you coming to be killed a third
CHRISTY -- (almost gaily.) -- If I time, or what ails you now?
do lay my hands on you, it's the way MAHON. For what is it they have
you'll be at the fall of night, hanging you tied?
as a scarecrow for the fowls of hell. CHRISTY. They're taking me to
Ah, you'll have a gallous jaunt I'm the peelers to have me hanged for
                                    slaying you.

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