Page 80 - SampleIssueMobile
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Farrell, who is fat and amorous, SHAWN -- (in horrified confu-
about forty-five.)                 sion.) -- I would and welcome, Mi-
MEN -- (together.) -- God bless chael James, but I'm afeard of Father
you. The blessing of God on this Reilly; and what at all would the Ho-
place.                             ly Father and the Cardinals of Rome
PEGEEN. God bless you kindly. be saying if they heard I did the like
MICHAEL -- (to men who go to of that?
the counter.) -- Sit down now, and MICHAEL -- (with contempt.) --
take your rest. (Crosses to Shawn at God help you! Can't you sit in by the
the fire.) And how is it you are, hearth with the light lit and herself
Shawn Keogh? Are you coming over beyond in the room? You'll do that
the sands to Kate Cassidy's wake?  surely, for I've heard tell there's a
SHAWN. I am not, Michael queer fellow above, going mad or get-
James. I'm going home the short cut ting his death, maybe, in the gripe of
to my bed.                         the ditch, so she'd be safer this night
PEGEEN -- (speaking across the with a person here.
counter.) -- He's right too, and have SHAWN -- (with plaintive des-
you no shame, Michael James, to be pair.) -- I'm afeard of Father Reilly,
quitting off for the whole night, and I'm saying. Let you not be tempting
leaving myself lonesome in the shop? me, and we near married itself.
MICHAEL -- (good-humouredly.) PHILLY -- (with cold contempt.)
Isn't it the same whether I go for the -- Lock him in the west room. He'll
whole night or a part only? and I'm stay then and have no sin to be telling
thinking it's a queer daughter you are to the priest.
if you'd have me crossing backward MICHAEL -- (to Shawn, getting
through the Stooks of the Dead Wom- between him and the door.) -- Go up
en, with a drop taken.             now.
PEGEEN. If I am a queer daugh- SHAWN -- (at the top of his
ter, it's a queer father'd be leaving me voice.) -- Don't stop me, Michael
lonesome these twelve hours of dark, James. Let me out of the door, I'm
and I piling the turf with the dogs saying, for the love of the Almighty
barking, and the calves mooing, and God. Let me out (trying to dodge past
my own teeth rattling with the fear. him). Let me out of it, and may God
JIMMY -- (flatteringly.) -- What grant you His indulgence in the hour
is there to hurt you, and you a fine, of need.
hardy girl would knock the head of MICHAEL -- (loudly.) Stop your
any two men in the place?          noising, and sit down by the hearth.
PEGEEN -- (working herself up.) (Gives him a push and goes to counter
-- Isn't there the harvest boys with laughing.)
their tongues red for drink, and the SHAWN -- (turning back, wring-
ten tinkers is camped in the east glen, ing his hands.) -- Oh, Father Reilly
and the thousand militia -- bad cess to and the saints of God, where will I
them! -- walking idle through the hide myself to-day? Oh, St. Joseph
land. There's lots surely to hurt me, and St. Patrick and St. Brigid, and
and I won't stop alone in it, let him- St. James, have mercy on me now!
self do what he will.              (Shawn turns round, sees door clear,
MICHAEL. If you're that afeard, and makes a rush for it.)
let Shawn Keogh stop along with you. MICHAEL -- (catching him by
It's the will of God, I'm thinking, the coattail.) -- You'd be going, is it?
himself should be seeing to you now. SHAWN -- (screaming.) Leave me
(They all turn on Shawn.)          go, Michael James, leave me go, you
                                   old Pagan, leave me go, or I'll get the

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