Page 78 - SampleIssueMobile
P. 78


The Playboy of the Western World

SCENE: (Country public-house or SHAWN -- (uneasily.) -- I didn't
shebeen, very rough and untidy. There see him on the road.
is a sort of counter on the right with PEGEEN. How would you see
shelves, holding many bottles and him (licks stamp and puts it on letter)
jugs, just seen above it. Empty barrels and it dark night this half hour gone
stand near the counter. At back, a lit- by?
tle to left of counter, there is a door SHAWN -- (turning towards the
into the open air, then, more to the door again.) -- I stood a while outside
left, there is a settle with shelves wondering would I have a right to
above it, with more jugs, and a table pass on or to walk in and see you,
beneath a window. At the left there is Pegeen Mike (comes to fire), and I
a large open fire-place, with turf fire, could hear the cows breathing, and
and a small door into inner room. sighing in the stillness of the air, and
Pegeen, a wild looking but fine girl, not a step moving any place from this
of about twenty, is writing at table. gate to the bridge.
She is dressed in the usual peasant PEGEEN -- (putting letter in en-
dress.)                             velope.) -- It's above at the cross-roads
PEGEEN -- (slowly as she writes.) he is, meeting Philly Cullen; and a
-- Six yards of stuff for to make a yel- couple more are going along with him
low gown. A pair of lace boots with to Kate Cassidy's wake.
lengthy heels on them and brassy eyes. SHAWN -- (looking at her blank-
A hat is suited for a wedding-day. A ly.) -- And he's going that length in
fine tooth comb. To be sent with three the dark night?
barrels of porter in Jimmy Farrell's PEGEEN -- (impatiently.) He is
creel cart on the evening of the com- surely, and leaving me lonesome on
ing Fair to Mister Michael James the scruff of the hill. (She gets up and
Flaherty. With the best compliments puts envelope on dresser, then winds
of this season. Margaret Flaherty.  clock.) Isn't it long the nights are
SHAWN KEOGH -- (a fat and now, Shawn Keogh, to be leaving a
fair young man comes in as she signs, poor girl with her own self counting
looks round awkwardly, when he sees the hours to the dawn of day?
she is alone.) -- Where's himself?      SHAWN -- (with awkward hu-
PEGEEN -- (without looking at mour.) -- If it is, when we're wedded
him.) -- He's coming. (She directs the in a short while you'll have no call to
letter.) To Mister Sheamus Mulroy, complain, for I've little will to be
Wine and Spirit Dealer, Castlebar.

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