Page 6 - SampleIssueMobile
P. 6


                  from King Pellinore

I’ve been roused from a thousand year sleep to save your civiliza on.
And I’m not happy about it. From what I see, you’re in danger of
losing literacy, erudi on, manners, grammar, punctua on, spelling,
logic, scien fic analysis, reason, cultural apprecia on, and your
opposable thumbs (O your poor 21st‐century thumbs!). There is s ll
something you can do to save yourselves, however: Look to the past.

I shall collect for you, if you will be recep ve to the no on, bits and
pieces of your fading world. What I shall collect already belongs to
you; it is literally and literarily in the public domain. I’ve observed you
and the frenzied lives you lead, and I know you won’t take the me
yourselves to go a‐gathering; but I hope, through our mutual language
of literature, that you and I, my friends, we will preserve the remains
of our civiliza on. It was glorious once. It can be so again.

Mean me, stop reading this foreword; it will do you no good. What
are you wai ng for? Turn the page. Turn the page!
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