Page 126 - SampleIssueMobile
P. 126


Gra tude goes first and foremost to our predecessors for having
wri en and drawn with fine imagina on and cra ; second and
secondmost to you for having ongoing enthusiasm for such things. I
must thank many an ins tu on for providing a domain to the public
for material from public domain, most notably The Gutenberg Project
( at which you will find thousands upon
thousands of free books, at the ready for purloining such as I have
done. Similarly vast is WikiMedia, though they’re a bit less persnickety
about ensuring works have entered the public domain. Sources of
deligh ul art may be found at, and also through Dover
Publica ons (doverpublica I encourage you to spend some

 me at the poetryfounda; their mission statement alone is
inspiring. You might also enjoy the en cing op on in Google’s search
engine to filter for works which have no rights restric ons; click that
and any sort of random word, and enjoy the adventure. Lastly, I bow
to your vast, inexhaus ble public libraries’ websites, especially the Los
Angeles Public Library (, the New York Public Library (
and the incredibly‐moving and addic ng Library of Congress ( ‐
so much to do and see there!). Do visit as many of these sites as you
can; you’ll never lack for something to read.

I must also thank my indefa gable staff: Robin Wriggle, Donald
Dunsmuir, Walter Granby, Orville Sni er, Ari DeGroot, Mum Stobe,
Eddie Galle , Mr. Munro, Vivian Darkbloom, and of course Henry

Subscrip ons are available at

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