Page 98 - SampleIssue
P. 98


would put you thinking on the holy VOICES -- (outside, calling far
Brigid speaking to the infant saints, away.) -- Christy! Christy Mahon!
and now she'll be turning again, and Christy!
speaking hard words to me, like an CHRISTY. Is it Pegeen Mike?
old woman with a spavindy ass she'd WIDOW QUIN. It's the young
have, urging on a hill.          girls, I'm thinking, coming to bring
WIDOW QUIN. There's poetry you to the sports below, and what is it
talk for a girl you'd see itching and you'll have me to tell them now?
scratching, and she with a stale stink CHRISTY. Aid me for to win
of poteen on her from selling in the Pegeen. It's herself only that I'm
shop.                            seeking now. (Widow Quin gets up
CHRISTY -- (impatiently.) It's and goes to window.) Aid me for to
her like is fitted to be handling mer- win her, and I'll be asking God to
chandise in the heavens above, and stretch a hand to you in the hour of
what'll I be doing now, I ask you, and death, and lead you short cuts
I a kind of wonder was jilted by the through the Meadows of Ease, and up
heavens when a day was by. (There is the floor of Heaven to the Footstool of
a distant noise of girls' voices. Widow the Virgin's Son.
Quin looks from window and comes to WIDOW QUIN. There's praying.
him, hurriedly.)                     VOICES -- (nearer.) Christy!
WIDOW QUIN. You'll be doing Christy Mahon!
like myself, I'm thinking, when I did CHRISTY -- (with agitation.) --
destroy my man, for I'm above many's They're coming. Will you swear to aid
the day, odd times in great spirits, and save me for the love of Christ?
abroad in the sunshine, darning a WIDOW QUIN -- (looks at him
stocking or stitching a shift; and odd for a moment.) -- If I aid you, will
times again looking out on the you swear to give me a right of way I
schooners, hookers, trawlers is sailing want, and a mountainy ram, and a
the sea, and I thinking on the gallant load of dung at Michaelmas, the time
hairy fellows are drifting beyond, and that you'll be master here?
myself long years living alone.      CHRISTY. I will, by the elements
CHRISTY -- (interested.) You're and stars of night.
like me, so.                         WIDOW QUIN. Then we'll not
WIDOW QUIN. I am your like, say a word of the old fellow, the way
and it's for that I'm taking a fancy to Pegeen won't know your story till the
you, and I with my little houseen end of time.
above where there'd be myself to tend CHRISTY. And if he chances to
you, and none to ask were you a mur- return again?
derer or what at all.                WIDOW QUIN. We'll swear he's
CHRISTY. And what would I be a maniac and not your da. I could
doing if I left Pegeen?          take an oath I seen him raving on the
WIDOW QUIN. I've nice jobs you sands to-day. (Girls run in.)
could be doing, gathering shells to SUSAN. Come on to the sports be-
make a whitewash for our hut within, low. Pegeen says you're to come.
building up a little goose-house, or SARA TANSEY. The lepping's
stretching a new skin on an old cur- beginning, and we've a jockey's suit to
ragh I have, and if my hut is far from fit upon you for the mule race on the
all sides, it's there you'll meet the wis- sands below.
est old men, I tell you, at the corner of HONOR. Come on, will you?
my wheel, and it's there yourself and CHRISTY. I will then if Pegeen's
me will have great times whispering beyond.
and hugging.. ..

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