Page 20 - SampleIssue
P. 20


FRIDAY.--I saw him again, for a looking at her; indeed I am sure I
moment, last Monday at nightfall, but could, for I am coming to realize that
only for a moment. I was hoping he she is a quite remarkably comely
would praise me for trying to improve creature --lithe, slender, trim,
the estate, for I had meant well and rounded, shapely, nimble, graceful;
had worked hard. But he was not and once when she was standing
pleased, and turned away and left me. marble-white and sun-drenched on a
He was also displeased on another boulder, with her young head tilted
account: I tried once more to persuade back and her hand shading her eyes,
him to stop going over the Falls. That watching the flight of a bird in the
was because the fire had revealed to sky, I recognized that she was
me a new passion --quite new, and beautiful.
distinctly different from love, grief,
and those others which I had already MONDAY NOON.--If there is
discovered--FEAR. And it is horrible! anything on the planet that she is not
--I wish I had never discovered it; it interested in it is not in my list. There
gives me dark moments, it spoils my are animals that I am indifferent to,
happiness, it makes me shiver and but it is not so with her. She has no
tremble and shudder. But I could not discrimination, she takes to all of
persuade him, for he has not them, she thinks they are all treasures,
discovered fear yet, and so he could every new one is welcome.
not understand me.                       When the mighty brontosaurus
                                         came striding into camp, she regarded
                                         it as an acquisition, I considered it a
        EXTRACT                          calamity; that is a good sample of the
FROM ADAM’S DIARY                        lack of harmony that prevails in our

                                         views of things. She wanted to
Perhaps I ought to remember that domesticate it, I wanted to make it a
she is very young, a mere girl and       present of the homestead and move
make allowances. She is all interest,    out. She believed it could be tamed by
eagerness, vivacity, the world is to her kind treatment and would be a good
a charm, a wonder, a mystery, a joy;     pet; I said a pet twenty-one feet high
she can’t speak for delight when she     and eighty-four feet long would be no
finds a new flower, she must pet it and  proper thing to have about the place,
                                         because, even with the best intentions
caress it and smell it and talk to it,   and without meaning any harm, it
and pour out endearing names upon it.    could sit down on the house and mash
And she is color-mad: brown rocks,
yellow sand, gray moss, green foliage, it, for any one could see by the look of
blue sky; the pearl of the dawn, the     its eye that it was absent-minded.
purple shadows on the mountains, the       Still, her heart was set upon having
golden islands floating in crimson seas that monster, and she couldn’t give it
at sunset, the pallid moon sailing       up. She thought we could start a dairy
through the shredded cloud-rack, the     with it, and wanted me to help milk it;
star-jewels glittering in the wastes of  but I wouldn’t; it was too risky. The
space--none of them is of any practical sex wasn’t right, and we hadn’t any
value, so far as I can see, but because  ladder anyway. Then she wanted to
they have color and majesty, that is     ride it, and look at the scenery. Thirty
enough for her, and she loses her mind or forty feet of its tail was lying on the
over them. If she could quiet down       ground, like a fallen tree, and she
and keep still a couple minutes at a     thought she could climb it, but she
time, it would be a reposeful spectacle. was mistaken; when she got to the
In that case I think I could enjoy steep place it was too slick and down

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