King Pellinore has been roused from a thousand-year sleep in order to help restore civilization.

(He’s not happy about it.)

“Fortunately, for all your sakes, I’m publishing a literary magazine.  Unfortunately, I am over-subscribed at the moment and am not taking on any new subscribers at the moment.”

King Pellinore’s Literary Magazine is a loving tribute to literature from our past.  Short stories, poems, plays, essays, hodge-podgery, generously illustrated.  Designed to be nibbled a little bit at a time each quarter, with a bit-of-this and a bit-of-that, ranging from the comic to the dramatic, with a smattering of ironic and satirical.

The magazine is currently over-subscribed and is not taking on any new subscribers at the moment.


Sample issue for desktop:

Sample issue for mobile:

Some non-intuitive instructions:

Before you “Click to view in full screen” make note of a few things:

  • TO VIEW.  You might need to trick your device into showing you “Click to View Full Screen”.  You might need to tap, or double-tap, two-finger scroll, or even turn your tablet 90-degrees.  Or look for three parallel lines to “Allow Full Screen”
  • Once inside the issue, you might need to tap or swipe from the top in order to see some commands such as page-turn or Sound.  MAC users: I’ve heard tell of two-finger scroll, or hold down a finger on the touchpad and scroll with another finger.
  • To exit full-screen,  either hit your ESC button or find the “exit full screen” icon…that’ll do it!
  • Don’t hit those tempting HOME or LOGO buttons…they’re a bit buggy.  Working on it; but you know what that’s like.

DO enjoy the sample.  At the moment it is all I am able to offer would-be subscribers.

king pellinore's literary magazine